The Foundation has a long and distinguished track history as an effectual and exemplar charity. It has been actively involved in mainstream and independent education for upwards of three decades con-tributing to government White Papers and advising on policy related to the needs of the Muslim com-munity. It has been involved in a variety of community development projects as well as humanitarian and philanthropic endeavours on a national and international scale. Through its founder, it has also been involved in a huge variety of interfaith and global peace initiatives.
During the early eighties, it established the first full-time Muslim primary school in England which went on to become the first Muslim school in the UK to be awarded state funding. In 2003, Islamia Primary School celebrated its 20th anniversary. Currently, it has 390 pupils on roll and has received government funding to expand to 2-form entry. In 1989 and 1996 respectively, the Foundation estab-lished its two highly successful secondary schools - Islamia Girls School and Brondesbury College for Boys. Both schools are currently ranked among the best independent schools in England and con-sistently top borough examination league tables. Today, our alumni consists of doctors, lawyers, den-tists, architects, bankers, artists and many other distinguished professions.
In 2000, the Foundation founded Small Kindness, a humanitarian relief charity that helps orphans, widows, the elderly, needy families and the disabled in over a half dozen countries around the world. Helping orphans is at the heart of what small Kindness does; it seeks to provide support and assis-tance to children throughout their childhood, school years and into employment.
In 2012, the Foundation opened the Maqam Centre; a community based project that seeks to build bridges between groups and faiths by promoting enhanced understandings of cultural and faith issues. it achieves this through a celebration of our shared values, and by demonstrating how diverse com-munities and people may integrate and collaborate harmoniously. The centre also represents a fresh model for contemporary education, health, and spirituality.